Vintage Charm

When people come to our home, the most surprising fact I tell them is that our house was built in 1926 and is celebrating being 90 years old!  I've been told that the inside was rubbish before it was gutted and redone - but after a  previous owner renovated, it was left with no charm that old houses typically offer.  Which is a downright shame!  I'm a sucker for old houses with loads of charm, and I'm on a mission to bring some back to ours.

Our kitchen is currently in a state of complete mess, I'll get into the gritty details once the whole project is sorted out (we are having a window installed where there wasn't one).  Because of this mess I now get to paint the kitchen sooner, which for me is a slippery slope.  Let me paint a room and I'm redecorating the whole thing.  I see this as a great opportunity to pay a little homage to our old house, and add vintage touches where I can.  I have rounded up some of my favorite accessories and small appliances for a kitchen.  I should note, while my house is from the 1920s I'm more of a 1950s girl at heart, so most of the accessories are inspired by that era.  Decor wise the 1920s don't speak to me as much.

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When I was pulling together these inspiration images, I realized I already own so many of these items, likely why I was picking them...  there are just a few here and there I want to buy, but I think part of this kitchen redo will be a matter of getting my pretty things out of storage and on display.  

Is there an era that speaks to you?  Tell me, do old homes make you weak in the knees?