Sunday Small Talk // 3

Life lately has felt like on big “I’ll just put a pin in that” kind of moment. Student teaching is so all consuming that having a moment or two to do something fun has been like finding a unicorn that poops magical piles of sparkly poo. Mmmhm. I think you catch my drift. I know we all have those seasons in life, and I am experiencing one right now.

Last Monday I dropped everything and went out to dinner with friends I had not seen in months, it was refreshing. We gossiped about drama where I used to work and just caught up in general. One of my friends is in her first year of teaching 1st grade and she never ceasing to have great stories about the crazy stuff that goes on.

Two weekends ago our niece was baptized - I baked the cakes for the party on Saturday and we were gone most of Sunday.  Needless to say that weekend was a busy one, but this weekend is so much slower and relaxing.  I feel like I can breath the nice spring air.  Which let me tell you, I have plants starting to pop through the earth and I am beyond excited!  I can barely contain my excitement, I face timed my mom just to show her what was growing.

I need to start a garden journal, I looked at starting one last year, but I didn't.  I just want to find the right format, in my head I know exactly what it looks like, I'm slowing working to design my own.

I have 2 weeks of spring break starting now!  I have plenty of school work to do, but I'm looking forward to balancing it out with some enjoying things.  Gardening, blogging, sewing, and naps will definitely make the list.