Unfinished things

I wish I could declare myself the queen of unfinished things.  I'm not sure why I can't,  I AM THE QUEEN OF UNFINISHED THINGS.  Well actually I'm just slow to get things done... really slow, but eventually they get finished.  So my mom and I have been sewing all of these quilts as wedding gifts, and I'm looking at all the baby blankets I also now have to sew, and then my pile of unfinished projects called my name.  I listened and obeyed.  Before I began I had 5 quilts cut, some I started sewing blocks together, but all of them not finished.  That just seemed like too many, so I got to sewing one afternoon.  My goal for now is to just get the quilt tops finished and stored in the guest room dresser, when all my gift quilts are finished I'll get started actually quilting and binding my unfinished projects.

Quilt #1

I started off with this strip quilt that I believe I started 2 years ago, maybe 3.  The pattern is called Sideways from the

Color Shuffle

book by Karla Alexander.  There is not much complexity to this one, it was a great quilt to start off making since there are no seams that need to line up.  It is 100% not my taste anymore with the colors I chose.  When it is finished this is likely to be donated.  I'm thinking of adding a boarder to it and making it slightly larger, it is roughly a twin size now.  Any suggestions as to where I should donate this quilt?

Quilt #2

After I finished the stripy quilt, I resumed work on a baby quilt that I believe I started ummmm.... 5 years ago.  I want to say that this was the first quilt I ever started but I'm not sure.  Clearly it is not the first quilt I finished...  It is truly a scrappy quilt, all the blocks are from left over pieces and none of the white fabrics match, some of them even say Happy Valentine's Day... and  a few have snowflakes.  Nothing matches, but I love the feel of the scrappy quilt.  There are so many scrappy quilts at my parents made by my great-grandmothers where they used some truly weird fabrics, but they are some of the coziest darn things.  The blocks are all 3D bow tie blocks, a fairly easy block for a beginner. I don't have a step by step example on how to do this, but


is a great resource.  My favorite part about this block is that the center knots are the 3D part, great for little one to play with. 

Once again I'm not sure where this one will end up, but I am thinking it will go to the Women's Care Center - an organization that helps women who have chosen life for their unborn babies.  I have donated a few crocheted items before, and I hope the mothers who receive the items know how much love was poured into the blankets for their little ones.  

I have 3 more quilts on my unfinished pile,  my goal is to get one more quilt top done from my personal pile before the year is over.  Plus finishing the almost finished final wedding quilt (so close to being done with it Kelly!) and getting another baby quilt  totally done.

I also finished the first of four baby blankets this week, and I have a tutorial coming on it very soon I just need to finish shooting and editing photos!

- Any unfinished projects you are working on getting done?  I'm feeling the crunch of a new year coming!
